From the Dance Floor to CNN Heroes: STEM From Dance Takes National Spotlight with New Spin on STEM
The lights dim and a group of girls take the stage. As they begin their routine, their costumes light up in sync with the music, flashing to beats they created themselves. This is
A Milestone Year: The Million Girls Moonshot Expands Reach and Impact in Year 3
Launched in 2020, the Million Girls Moonshot is a five-year initiative of STEM Next Opportunity Fund aimed at engaging millions more girls and youth across the United States in qua
STEM Program Quality Improvement Services & Support
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Exploration of Careers that use an Engineering Mindset: The Possible Futures Curriculum
Over two 75-minute sessions with Jobs for the Future (JFF), you’ll learn how to use JFF’s free Possible Futures (PF) Engineering and Design curriculum unit to introduce student
Introducing Artificial Intelligence Using Curiosity Machine
Artificial intelligence can be fun, hands-on, and connected to real life, even for kids. In this training for educators of upper elementary or middle school students, Technovation
Understanding Quality STEM Learning: Empowering Networks and Programs
Learning Goals: 1) Map the implementation of quality STEM programming practices and positive youth development by reflecting on current activities / programs 2) Examine how S
Equity & Inclusion in Afterschool: Skill Development in STEM Programming
This webinar dives more deeply into the Skill Development concept and the strategies of: 1) curriculum, 2) professional development 3) collaboration, and 4) connected pathway.
Engineering Design with Technovation: Session 3
Get ready for hands-on building during each session. You’ll be part of a supportive learning community. If you are looking for a way to step up your STEAM game in a fun and activ
Million Girls Moonshot – New Resources and Support for 2021
We will come together to announce new resources and support that will be launched in January 2021.
Engineering Design with Technovation: Session 2
Get ready for hands-on building during each session. You’ll be part of a supportive learning community. If you are looking for a way to step up your STEAM game in a fun and activ