Research and Ideas
Research Guiding Our Work
Everything we do is evidence-based. From placing big bets, to growing STEM leaders, we use the research to scale impact. Here is some of the significant research that shows afterschool STEM matters.
Afterschool Helps Students Develop a STEM Identity
When youth feel a connection and belonging within STEM, they are more likely to develop …
Learn MoreAfterschool STEM Improves Academic Performance
Active learning, like the types found in afterschool and summer programming, has been shown to …
Learn MoreAfterschool STEM Increases Interest in STEM Careers & Skills
An 11-state study showed that participation in STEM-focused afterschool programs leads to increases in youth …
Learn MoreAfterschool STEM is Highly Effective
Research demonstrates informal learning programs are highly effective for STEM learning and engagement early and …
Learn MoreAfterschool STEM to Improve STEM Equity Issues
Systemic barriers exist for girls and youth of color to pursue STEM interests across the …
Learn MoreRole Models & Mentors Inspire Career Awareness
Role models and mentors inspire career awareness and increase youth interest in, positive attitudes toward, …
Learn MoreStudents Pursue STEM if Introduced to Topics Early
Studies report that students are more likely to pursue STEM majors at universities and colleges …
Learn MoreYouth Spend 80% Outside the Classroom
Youth spend the majority of their time – more than 80% of their waking hours …
Learn MoreIgniting Innovation Map
We know it takes a grassroots and a grasstops approach to make opportunities a reality for all kids.
That’s why we support local ideas and strengthen connections to ignite innovation in all 50 states.
Our years of experience in the field bring a deep knowledge of context and need, enabling us to scale ideas and target investments to high-need demographics and places.

Igniting Innovation 2.0
STEM Next has extensive experience working with national networks to build capacity, and has partnered with the 50 State Afterschool Network for over 9 years. This collaboration was designed to leverage and build on the existing network infrastructure in order to expand the availability of quality STEM in afterschool and summer and impact more students across the country. This successful effort has grown from 30 states to all 50 states, with many formalized as STEM Next national affiliates.
STEM Ready America
STEM Ready America is a compendium from 40 authors presenting bold and persuasive evidence—as well as real-world examples of effective practices, programs, and partnerships—on how science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) knowledge and skills are preparing young people to be successful in school today and the workforce tomorrow.

STEM learning is key to breaking the generational cycle of poverty and to reducing income inequality. It greatly enhances educational opportunity and has been particularly effective at advancing children of color and girls. All children, regardless of zip code, race, ethnicity, national origin or gender have a basic right to the opportunity to prepare for the knowledge-based economy.
STEM Learning in Afterschool Works
Evaluating results from 160 programs in 11 states, The Afterschool & STEM System-Building Evaluation 2016 revealed important results: Participating in afterschool STEM programs improves students’ reported attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
The PEAR Institute and IMMAP: Institute for Measurement, Methodology, Analysis & Policy at Texas Tech University conducted an analysis of student self-reported change shows that participation in a STEM afterschool program greatly increases positive attitudes towards STEM.
Reimagining Family Engagement : How Out-of-School Time STEM Programs "CARE"
The Institute for the Study of Resilience in Youth (ISRY) at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School, in partnership with the STEM Next Opportunity Fund, created and studied a virtual national learning community to understand how out-of-school time (OST) programs in the U.S. are choosing, adapting, and applying strategies from the STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool.
This report describes the rationale, methodology, and findings of CARE (Connect-Act-Reflect-Empower) strategies to increase family engagement.