Be the Next Youth Voice in STEM! 2025 Flight Crew Applications Now Open
AI & the Ocean / Climate Action
Lesson 4

In this lesson, youth learn how to think like entrepreneurs in figuring out how AI can support their business in ocean conservation as they go through the process of hiring a team. The AI Entrepreneurial Mindset handout and self-guided video are provided.

To prepare for the lesson:

  1. Print out copies of the Entrepreneurial Mindset handout (formerly Let’s Hire a Crew) for everyone.
  2. Set up the self-guided interactive Entrepreneurial Mindset on your class computer. Make sure you have sound and internet access set up for the computer. It’s recommended to have the site projected on a large screen so youth can follow along together.
  3. Review the handout and interactive before class.
  4. Pencils for everyone.

During the lesson:

  1. Follow the instructions on the Entrepreneurial Mindset Interactive. As you click through the steps on the interactive lesson, you’ll notice that there is an audio recording of the written descriptions for each section of the lesson. Play the audio so youth have a choice between listening to the words or reading the words on the screen.
  2. Have youth answer the quizzes that come up throughout the lesson together.
  3. When the interactive lesson is complete, distribute the Entrepreneurial Mindset handout
  4. Have youth read the instructions on the handout and answer the first question of the handout individually. 
  5. For the second question, have youth work in pairs, taking turns explaining their answer and thought process. Have the youth continue to work in pairs to complete questions 3-7.
  6. Bring the class back together to reflect on questions 5-7. What responses did everyone have in their small groups? Are there other ideas that haven’t been said?


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