The Family Engagement Project

Catalyzing Family Engagement in STEM
STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool
White Papers & Case Studies
Promising Practices
Tips from experts who listen, learn and welcome families.
Family Engagement Blog

Beyond the Pink: A STEM Gift Guide for Girls
Before you start your holiday shopping this year, we encourage you to think outside the box. Don’t let stereotypes limit your shopping lists and imagination.

Summertime Adventures in STEM: Inspiring Young STEM Explorers One Book at a Time
Summer is our favorite time of year. Slowing down, enjoying the outdoors, and relaxing with family. We also can make more time to read with

Welcome Back to Afterschool 2022
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) can spark a curiosity in children that can inspire a lasting love of learning. Interest may come from a

Summer of Love for STEM: Seven Fun and Family-Friendly Ideas for a Summer of STEM
Summer is coming. So is the search for ideas to support summer learning. With less structure and more time for self-directed play, summer is an
STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool
STEM Next has partnered with Drs. Patty Allen and Gil Noam of the Institute for the Study of Resilience in Youth (ISRY) at McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School to create the STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool. This Planning Tool introduces a new framework for family engagement in STEM known as CARE: Connect, Act, Reflect, and Empower. CARE is a simple way of organizing ideas from research and practice to provide a shared and equitable vision for family engagement in STEM.
Million Girls Moonshot
Summer is coming. So is the search for ideas to support summer learning. Let’s not let stereotypes hold us back from providing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) opportunities for girls.