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Earth Learning / TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter
Lesson 1

In this lesson, youth are introduced to an immersive experience where they learn about different prehistoric creatures through their fossils and gain an understanding of where and how they lived. They also see the role of museums in the study of prehistoric animals. The TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter Educator Guide and link to the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter immersive experience are provided. 

To prepare for the lesson:

  1. Review pages 1-6 of the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter Educator Guide
  2. Set up the launch page of the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter website on your class computer. Project it and prepare to guide youth on how to use the keyboard controls to move around the first immersive experience, the museum. Appoint 1-2 youth to explain to the rest of the group, if necessary.
  3. All laptops set up to access the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter website (enough for youth to work in pairs).
  4. Pictures of each animal ready to project on the class computer: Archelon, Ammonite, Mosasaur and Plesiosaur.
  5. Pencils and paper for everyone to jot down any notes on what they observe. Colored pencils, crayons or markers for sharing, if available.

During the lesson:

  1. Follow the instructions on the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter Educator Guide. Start the lesson with an introductory conversation on what a plesiosaur is and the difference between a plesiosaur and a dinosaur.
  2. Youth may take a while to move through the immersive experience based on their video game experience, if possible, pair youth with video experience with those with little to no experience. Be prepared to take longer to complete this lesson (the app doesn’t hold one’s spot unless you create an account).
  3. When the interactive lesson is complete, have youth reflect on their experiences. Use the reflection questions provided in the TimePod Adventures: Plesiosaur Encounter Educator Guide as a guide. Have youth respond to the questions in a larger group. Can youth make connections to present-day animals? Can youth imagine what future animals may evolve into? Why? Encourage them to draw their predictions and explain why they predict the change.


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