Telling Your STEM Story: A Compelling Strategy for Sustainability
It’s midterm election time and that is the focus of most conversations in Washington, DC. Beyond encouraging everyone to vote, afterschool and summer programs can continue to tel
Let’s talk what’s possible
America would have four times as many inventors if more women and minorities had the same support and exposure to role models as higher-income white men. Let’s talk what’s pos
The Many Faces of #GirlsLeadSTEM
Early on, I remember hearing that people change careers on average 6 times in their lifetime. Today it is estimated that the average American changes jobs 12 times. In a weird way,
Leveraging Wonder
Do you remember what it was like to lay on your back in the sweet grass or a dusty knoll and be transfixed by the wonder of the night sky? I do. Summer nights meant playing outside
Welcome Back to Afterschool 2022
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) can spark a curiosity in children that can inspire a lasting love of learning. Interest may come from a hands-on science in
Announcing #GirlsLeadSTEM
While women have made gains in STEM career fields persistent gaps remain, particularly in engineering and a variety of science fields. While research abounds to highlight this chal
Looking Beyond the Classroom to Get Students Back into Learning
Everywhere we turn, we see headlines and stories hyper-focused on student “learning loss” with the release of daunting new data assessing student learning. It can be overwhelmi
Summer of Love for STEM: Seven Fun and Family-Friendly Ideas for a Summer of STEM
Summer is coming. So is the search for ideas to support summer learning. With less structure and more time for self-directed play, summer is an ideal time to encourage children’s
Introduce a Girl to Engineering 2022: Dream Big and Reimagine the Possible with the Million Girls Moonshot
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day 2022 is one of our favorite days of the year. Girl Day is part of Engineers Week that celebrates how engineers make a difference in our world
Make this Holiday a Million Girls Moonshot
Before you start your holiday shopping we hope you take a moment to reflect on the power of your choices. As part of the Ready for Girls campaign, Lego partnered with the Geena Dav