Decoding D.C.’s Alphabet Soup of Legislation – Implications for STEM Learning for Back to School Season 2022
A lot of new legislation has been passed recently and it can feel a bit like sinking into the alphabet soup of acronyms coming from Washington, D.C. We are also in back to school s
Looking Beyond the Classroom to Get Students Back into Learning
Everywhere we turn, we see headlines and stories hyper-focused on student “learning loss” with the release of daunting new data assessing student learning. It can be overwhelmi
From Niche to Necessary: Scale and Sustainability Lessons from the FUSE Initiative
The Noyce Foundation and now, STEM Next Opportunity Fund, champion and support effective practices, cross-sector partnerships, and measuring the impact of STEM learning. We are e
Trump Administration’s Budget Would Devastate Afterschool STEM Learning Opportunities For Our Nation’s Youth
President Trump’s proposed budget cuts to afterschool programs would deny millions of American youth the opportunity to engage in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)
A Success Story
In October, ExpandED Schools and the Pinkerton Foundation jointly released a brief entitled From Meeting to Impact: How One Foundation’s Investment of $25,000 Spurred Large-Scale
Advancing State Policy for STEM Afterschool
All are closely watching to see what the change in Administration will mean for the federal government’s role in STEM education and what kinds of responses will be needed