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Advancing State Policy for STEM Afterschool


All are closely watching to see what the change in Administration will mean for the federal government’s role in STEM education and what kinds of responses will be needed from the education community. We already know, however, that the recent passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act devolves significant decision-making to the states and districts. Because of this, STEM Next applauds a timely new initiative funded by the Overdeck Family Foundation to equip statewide afterschool networks with the capacity to advance afterschool STEM learning opportunities at the state level. The afterschool networks, built through the sustained support, vision and leadership of the CS Mott Foundation over many years, have leveraged additional support from Noyce and STEM Next to integrate high quality STEM learning into OST programs. The partnership, which includes the Afterschool Alliance and the STEM Education Coalition, has already released a new toolkit and chosen the following statewide networks for deep involvement in the project.

Vermont Afterschool, Inc.
Maryland Out of School Time Network
Utah Afterschool Network
Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network



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