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Set a Place at the STEM Table for Youth with Disabilities and their Families

How can we make sure that kids who are deaf, visually impaired, or physically disabled have the chance to imagine and create a bright future with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)? Youth with disabilities hold potential to be productive and creative adults, and yet they are less likely to go to college and less likely to live independently than their peers without disabilities. It’s not because of their disability, but often because of the expectations and opportunities afforded to them. STEM can provide the means to master skills and develop confidence and perseverance that make possible a fulfilling life. Afterschool and summer programs provide many positive impacts as a result of hands-on engagement in safe spaces with caring adults and supportive peers. They increase interest and confidence in STEM and introduce a wide range of career pathways.

In this case study Dr. Linda Kekelis shares how STEM can empower and the programs, such as Deaf Kids Code, that are engaging youth and their families to make STEM learning opportunities accessible and successful.


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