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Reginald McGregor, Board Member

With over 25 years of professional experience working in the pharmaceutical, foodservice and aerospace industries in the areas of engineering and operations, Reginald has had a rewarding career pursuing his passion of serving others at the intersection of education and industry engagement. He is a member of the Rolls-Royce Defense Engineering Operations Management team where one of his responsibilities is overseeing STEM Outreach for N. America. As the President of the Lawrence Township School Board he serves over 15,000 students and families on the northeast side of Indianapolis. In 2006, McGregor was a recipient of the Black Engineer of the Year (BEYA) Award. Reginald holds a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering, an MBA and is currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Technology Leadership and Innovation. In 2019, McGregor was appointed by the US Department of Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, to serve on the National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) which establishes policies for NAEP (the national assessment of education progress), and the Nation’s Report Card. Reginald’s  service on other local and national boards include:

  • TIES_STEM Ecosystem National Advisory Council
  • Indiana DOE STEM Advisory Council
  • AMIE (Advancing Minorities in Engineering) Consortium of Industry, Gov’t and HBCU Deans of Engineering Schools
  • Indiana Chamber of Commerce K-12 and Workforce Policy Committees
  • Purdue Engineering Education Industry Advisory Council
  • Indiana Chamber of Commerce Education and Workforce Policy Committee
  • EmployIndy (Indianapolis Workforce Development Board)
  • Indiana Afterschool Network Board
