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Basics of Game Design / Next Level Tech
Lesson 5

In this lesson, youth learn how to add depth to their game using Multiple levels and Smarter Enemies. The AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade handout and self-guided video of the lesson are provided. 

To prepare for the lesson:

  1. Print out copies of the AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade handout for everyone.
  2. Set up the self-guided interactive AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade on your class computer. Review it before the lesson. You can also reference the Facilitator Guide: AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade for visual screenshots. Make sure you have sound and internet access set up for the computer. It’s recommended to have the site projected on a large screen so youth can follow along together.
  3. A laptop or tablet per small group.
  4. Set up the MakeCode Arcade site for all laptops or tablets to be used by youth. 
  5. Write down the vocabulary words on a whiteboard or flipchart for the lesson: 
    1. Words: function, array, iteration and modularity
    2. Reference the words when discussing the actions they’ll be taking (discussed in interactive).
  6. Pencils for everyone.

During the lesson:

  1. Follow the instructions on the AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade Interactive. As you click through the steps on the interactive lesson, you’ll notice that there is an audio recording of the written descriptions for each section of the lesson. Play the audio so youth have a choice between listening to the words or reading the words on the screen.
  2. Have youth answer the quizzes that come up throughout the lesson together. 
  3. Once you arrive at the section of the interactive, “Let’s program a game!” pause the interactive while you place youth in small groups of 2-3 (if you haven’t already done so) and distribute their AI Enemies in MakeCode Arcade handout, and laptop/tablet. 
  4. Have each group sign into their saved tutorials and continue on the Platform tutorial by starting on the fourth tutorial (referenced in the interactive). Have youth work on the handouts in their groups. 
  5. Have them follow along with the interactive in building their video game. Remind them to save it!
  6. When completed, have youth reflect on their game by answering the questions on their handout. Have them share out as a class, or in small groups.
    1. What did they learn?
    2. How did Functions allow you to organize your block code?
    3. What challenge was most difficult? What helped you work on it?


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