STEM Next Opportunity Fellows

STEM Next deploys Fellows in high-impact placements with Federal Agencies to:

Respond to the urgent opportunities to advance STEM and out-of-school time learning.

Establish channels of communication between local communities and the federal government.

Disseminate important funding opportunities to out-of-school networks and programs, breaking down language barriers and best practices for the field.

Meet the Fellows

Daniel Bicknell

Advisor, Partnership Coordination, American Climate Corps

Quincy Brown, PhD

Director of Space STEM and Workforce Policy in the National Space Council

Sheronda Witter, PhD

Out-of-School Time Advisor

Jacqueline Ivy

Advisor, Workforce Development, American Climate Corps

Eve Khadijiah Boyle, Ph.D.

Special Advisor, Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

Emily Kuehn, Ph.D.

Deputy Director of DoD STEM

Jennifer O. Leshnower

Bridging & Democracy Advisor, AmeriCorps

Holly Miller, PhD

Federal Liaison and International Events, NASA Office of STEM Engagement

Tasha Owens-Green, M.Ed. & MFT

School-Aged and Early Care Fellow

Deirdre Shelly

Program Manager, American Climate Corps

Philip Steigman

HHS Early Care and Education & Out-of-School Time Policy Fellow

Terra Wallin

P-12 Education Advisor at AmeriCorps