Become a STEM Mentor

Cultivate big outcomes for kids everywhere with just a few minutes of time
A connection to role models and mentors have been proven to increase a young person’s interest in, positive attitudes toward, and identification with STEM.
Engaging with mentors also inspires kids to consider STEM careers in the future. 

"For girls, it’s important for them to see other women in STEM so they don’t assume that ‘only guys do that’ or ‘it’s impossible because I’m a girl.’ It's important for students to have role models to give them more options when thinking about future careers."

-Orietta Verdugo, Intel

Show Youth What's Possible

It’s hard to aspire to be something you’ve never seen. Motivate millions of kids to accomplish things beyond their imagination.

man speaking into phone

Step 1: Set-up Your Space

Find a quiet place. Get your recording device.

Record your story on a smartphone, or computer (e.g. Zoom, etc.) in a quiet place. Please set the camera to a horizontal view.

Set your device up in a stable place to avoid movement.

Step 2: Tell Your Story

You are the expert of your STEM journey. Share more about what you do and how you got there.

Here are some ideas for the types of videos you can create.

Tell us something unique to your career pathway. Speak directly into the camera, like you are speaking directly to students, and communicate your experiences.

Film a conversation with a colleague or friend. Have a conversation with another about your experiences in a specific field. Compare career pathways. Share more about your early interest in STEM.

Demonstrate STEM on camera. Show us your lab, an experiment, etc. Get students excited!


woman in computer lab
man showing students STEM

STEP 3: Upload Your Influence

Drop us your video file and celebrate! Let us take it from here.

Once uploaded, our team will add a few quick additions – music, logos, etc. – and share your video with afterschool and summer programs nationwide.

Young people, in all 50 states, will learn from your distinct STEM experiences and become motivated about what is possible for their own lives. Thank you!

*Email your video to if you are unable to upload. 

Still have questions? Contact Veronica Gonzales at

Join Other STEM Professionals

Qualcomm Engineer, Lola Awoniyi-Oteri’s love of physics led to an exciting career in communications technology.

Surprising those who have underestimated her, female scientist Katherine Jin has invented a ground-breaking cleaning solution. 

You Are the Expert of Your Journey

Your background, upbringing, challenges, and career pathway is distinctly unique to you. There are kids, right now, waiting to hear from someone like them that made it – you could be that example.