Barriers and Opportunities for 2-Year and 4-Year STEM Degrees: Systemic Change to Support Students’ Diverse Pathways, released by the National Academies, examines why so many students who intend to major in STEM when they enter 2 and 4 year post-secondary institutions do not end up earning STEM degrees. This study pays special attention to the factors that influence students’ decisions to enter, stay in, or leave STEM majors, and questions whether definitions and characteristics of what constitutes success in STEM should change. The conclusions of this report lay out the steps that faculty, STEM departments, colleges and universities, professional societies, and others can take to improve STEM education for all students interested in a STEM degree. Read the report.
From the Dance Floor to CNN Heroes: STEM From Dance Takes National Spotlight with New Spin on STEM
The lights dim and a group of girls take the stage. As they begin their routine, their costumes light up in sync with the music,