Be the Next Youth Voice in STEM! 2025 Flight Crew Applications Now Open

IES Math Summit Keynote: Cindy Marten & Flight Crew

Youth Ambassadors with Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten
Flight Crew with Deputy Secretary of Education Cindy Marten

With 34 years of experience in education, Deputy Secretary of Education, Cindy Marten, modeled the importance of listening to youth during a keynote for the 2023 Institute of Educational Sciences (IES) Math Summit. 

“Whenever I talk with students, I always learn something new. That’s why my keynote today is not a speech. It’s a conversation with five bright, inspiring young women who are deeply engaged in STEM learning,” said Marten. 

Watch as Deputy Secretary Marten dives deep into conversation with the Flight Crew, a group of youth ambassadors from across the country inspiring other young people to pursue STEM. They discuss math, science, and overcoming challenges in their learning environments. 

The Flight Crew is a program of STEM Next Opportunity Fund’s premier initiative, the Million Girls Moonshot. The Moonshot seeks to engage millions more girls in afterschool STEM activities by 2025. This work is part of STEM Next’s larger goal to inspire 20 million more youth with STEM learning opportunities by 2027.


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